Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Start-SPAssignment -Global # This cmdlet takes care of the disposable objects to prevent memory leak.
$today=Get-Date -format "MM-dd-yyyy" # Get current date and format it to avoid invalid characters such as "/" and ":"
$mySite="http://site" # Replace with your site collection URL
$backupLocation="c:\backup\$today" # Replace with your backup location
$logFile="$backupLocation\BackupLog.log" # Replace with your desired log file location
#check if backup directory exist. if not create them.
if (-not (Test-Path $backuplocation)) {
New-Item $backuplocation -type directory
write-Host Start backing up $mySite to $backupLocation
# Create a new backup file and name it based on current date. If you want to create only 1 backup file and overwrite it each time the backup is run, you can replace "$today.bak" with your desired file name.
Backup-SPSite -Identity $mySite -Path $backupLocation\$today.bak -force -ea Stop
write-Host Backup succeeded.
# Write success message to the log file
write "$today $mySite successfully backed up.">>$logFile
catch # If the process failed
write-Host Backup failed. See $logFile for more information.
# Write error message to the log file
write "$today Error: $_">>$logFile
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
Remove-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
write-Host "Finished script."