Saturday, December 20, 2014

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot impersonate user for data source 'DataSource1'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser) This data source is configured to use Windows integrated security. Windows integrated security is either disabled for this report server or your report server is using Trusted Account mode. (rsWindowsIntegratedSecurityDisabled)

We were getting above error when trying to open the reports in Sharepoint where everythign seemed to be configured correctly
SP 2010 integration with Report server in Sharepoint Mode, Authentication was correct, reports were correct as was working fine in other environment and Sql server report server was showing integrated secuirty enabled.

Here is the solution that worked in our case.
1) This is related to permission issue.
Open IIS manager, click on the site, click authentication and make sure you have the Windows and ASP.Net impersonation enabled on the site.Try to enabled Anonymous access for few mins and then do the iisreset. Once you do that and after few min, you will see that reports started opening without any errors. Once you conform its working, stop the Anonymous and restart the IIS again.
 Once you do that, you will see site reports opening without any issue.

Sometime it is related to access to a folder or some settings that needs to be enabled but hard to find where is that the reports are looking for. Hope it helps people struglling with this isse as i was .:)

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized in Sharepoint logs

Below is one of the solution suggested by microsoft in this types of issue
1) Disable Loopback check on SSRS server (Method 2)
  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:

  3. Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
  6. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  7. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer.
2) The next thing you want to try to check the authentication level on your IIS. This is related to permission issue. We had the simlar problem in SSRS reporting not opening a custom reporting page containing report viewer webpart in a https site
 Open IIS manager, click on the site, click authentication and make sure you have the Windows and ASP.Net impersonation enabled on the site. Check the same for the Default site if you are using it.

How to enable Incoming email on the list/Library in Sharepoint

Below are the steps that we need to perform to enable a library to receive incoming emails.

1) SMTP service has to be installed and enabled on the SP WFE server. This can be added from Windows Server manager under Features and add the SMTP fea;postID=695350418594854018ture
2) Next step is to open the IIS 6.0 amangement console and make sure that SMTP virtual server is up and running. If you want to ahve your own name, stop the existing one and create a new one with a good name and run it.
3) Now you open the windows serverices and start the SMTP service in WFE server and make sure it is set on Automatic.
4) By default the port assigned to SMTP service is 25. so make sure you have port open and is not blocked to enable the incoming email service.
5) Now open Central admin, configure Incoming email settings,
Select Yes to “Enable site on this server to receive e-mail”
Select “Automatic” for Setting mode or Advanced (Put the system drive inetpub directory for drop folder)
Select “Yes” to use the SharePoint Directory Management Service to create distributions groups and contacts.
Enter your Active Directory container details, i.e. the Organizational Unit container that we created specifically for our SharePoint 2010 contacts.
Ensure that your SMTP server details are correct, this should be the fully qualified domain name of your SMTP service that was installed on your SharePoint Server.
6) Make sure following accounts are added on drop folder with below permissions
WSS_Admin_WPG – Full Control and
WSS_WPG – Read & Execute / List folder Contents / Read
7) Also make sure that application pool account has read permission on the Drop folder as well to carry email over to the site level.
8)  Now open the list\library and
Click on Incoming e-mail settings.
Select “Yes” to allow this document library to receive e-mail.

Thats it. now try sending email to the address and you will see email in the library

Below is a very good link with screenshots that can help

Powershell throwing error the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.

This is the message we get it when try to run any powershell script on the SP server where execution olicy is disabled. It is based on tht 64 and 32 bit tyoe. We have to ensure that the execution policy is enabled on both types of it.
Run the following command:-
:- Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Once ran, you can verify using following command
:- get-executionpolicy

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The installation of this package failed when you run SP Cumulative Update

When you try to run the CU.exe file to upgrade your SP farm, you get the below message
The installation of this package failed

Solution:- The way it works is that you need to have the ca file also installed in the same folder where you have the EXE file. It looks for some content through that cab file and hence needed during the upgrade process.

Another way around is that you can run from a network directory. 

microsoft.sharepoint.administration.spserver needs upgrade when you upgrade your SP farm

You get this message when you are trying to upgrade your SP farm by running the following command
stsadm.exe -o localupgradestatus

It displays the mess saying that upgrade required. Because there are still some features which did not get install, run the following command under bin directory

PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures

Once done, refresh the page and upgrade status message should disappear. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

How to extract files out of SharePoint service Packs and CU?

 when we are doing scripted SP installation, we are looking to have all files at one place so that we can update the SP with all updates in once. But .exe files doesnt get carry from the scripts.
 Below is the command we run to extract the files and put in our CU updates folder.

1) Open cmd
2) "D:\Software\Office 2007\microsoft_office_suite_service_pack_2_x64.exe" /extract:"d:\updates\CUExtractFiles"

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to configure Search from scratch in SharePoint 2010 farm?

This is for every SP person who is configuring search i the environment.
Here is a very excellent article on dng that and explainng all the components of the search.

The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component. Verify that the administration component ‘ ′ in search application ‘Search Service Application’ is in a good state and try again

There is an issue when you configure serach service application but do not see admini components running in search service administartion and you cannot go to content sources and any other parts of it.

Use below to fix the issue. there is very nice article on this:-

Run below PowerShell command:
$varInstance = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -local    (Assuming that you have only one SSA in farm)
If you type $varInstance and hit Enter key, you should see SharePoint Server Search instance details.
If you see it disabled then run another PS command -----> Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -Identity <servername>
Once above runs successfully, execute below:
$varSearchApp = get-spenterprisesearchserviceapplication
Now set search Admin component:
set-spenterprisesearchadministrationcomponent –searchapplication $varSearchApp –searchserviceinstance $varInstance
After it gets completed successfully, you need to wait for sometime, may be about 10 minutes.(It took 10 min in my case) Make sure you restart search service and then wait. Admin component should be ready and you should be able to browse SSA.

Failed to retrieve RS configuration information: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException

This is the issue where you configure report server in SharePoint integrated mode and runs fine opening the web service url which shows that reports are configured properly. But you get into an issue when you try to use the web service url in CA and report server configuration settings.

1) Open Central admin adn go to general settings- report server configuration
2) Open the settings and add the web service url to the page and choose the trusted account (should be the same taht you user while configuring report server on Sql side) and click OK. It takes a while and then thorw the error "Failed to retrieve RS configuration information: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException"

To fix this, in our case it was related to our sql server side where port 80 was blocked and thats why SP was not able to make connection to the sql side.

Go to Sql server and open configuration manager- under report web service url- change the url to port 8080 or whatever you want and reconfigure again.Then once done, use that url and go back to CA and it should work

How you can check whether port is blocked. Use Telent client feature on your server
Open cmd and type:-
Telnet "ServerName" port

If it gets black out, it means port is open if not then its blocked and you will see a message.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Unattended Service Account cannot be set for the service application. The Secure Store Service key might not have been generated or properly refreshed after the service was provisioned.

This is the error when you get it while configuring the Performance point service application in SharePoint 2010. Once we are done creating Performance Point application, we need to do the configuration part where we need to define the unattanted service account for the application. It is linked to secure store service. Follow the below steps to resolve this issue:-

1) Go to central admin- Manage service applications and check for secure store service. if its not there, create a new one.
2) Once its created, select the services and click on the top ribbon for generating new Key. Once its done, go back to Manage service application page.
3) Under Performance service, click configuration and add the unattended account again and click ok. It should not throw error as the encrypted key was not created. You are ggod to go now and go ahead and create a new site using Business intelligence template.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Powershell script to backup all the site collections in the sharePoint Farm.

Below is the link to powershell script that does the backup of all the site collections in the SP farm.

I have tested this script and works great. you just need to change your path where you will be running the backups and make sure you provide adequate access to the user.

It also does the deletion after certain no of days. It has 30 days by default but you can change it accordingly to your needs.

Sql server reporting services integration within Sharepoint integration mode

There are couple of things we need to understand while configuring the reporting services integration with SharePoint 2010. Below are two amazing and very helpful links for doing the integration.



These 2 articles explained what is required to do the integration and what components must be present and what architecture is needed?

I did my production configuration using above links and is working great.

system.web.httpexception maximum request length exceeded sharepoint 2010

Users get an error while uploading a document bigger than 50mb.
SP has a default upload setting of 50mb document. If we need to incrase the size to allow up to 200mb of documents, below are the places where we do it:-

1) In central admin, go to Manage web applications- Click on web app and click general settings- scroll down to and put 200 at place of 50 and save it.
2) Next we need to update web app web.config file under c:\intepub directoru. open the web.config file and search for timout. Now edit the following entries:-
Increase the maxrequestlength to 215200 and execution time to 9999 and save it.

It should be good to go now. Please try to upload again and it should work.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Restore-SPSite : 0x80070003

Below are the possible reasons when we get this error while running the Restore-SPSite:-

1) User has adequate permission on the Sql server database.
2) Database got corrupted if you have restored the database from some other farm and renamed it. 
3) If you have recently upgraded your farm but did not run the configuration wizard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

SharePoint basic search not showing results to some users

Some of the users getting not found when they are searching in sharepoint site.

We added a user today and found that he cant see the search results on the page while all other were able to.

We have to run the full crawl to make sure everything added after the schduled crawl should come up in the results. We ran the full crawl and user was able to see all the results.
1) Go to Central Administration.
2) Manage services - Open Search service application
3) Open the content sources frpm the left navigation and click on it to open the dropdown.
4) Select run full crawl and wait for it to complete.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Application Pool Not Starting

We had issue in our environment where one of the application pool was not starting hosting all services. After looking at the logs and getting some sense of the error, we tried the following two ways:-

1) Go to App pool in IIS manager, Right click and open Advanced settings, Put in the new password or reset the password again. Once done, restart the app pool.
   If it doesnt start again, try the step 2

2) Go to the Local policy editor and under User rights assignment, add the app pool user under Log on as a batch job and Restart Group Policy Client Service (services.msc).

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sharepoint Search Crawl error (Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component)

SharePoint search was throwing error very next morning when trying to search anything on the page or were trying to crawl the url's. After looking at the Logs and EV, it was throwing the following error.


HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.


1) Go to Windows services

2) Click SharePoint Search Service and open properties.

3) Put in the correct new password and restart the service again

It should be good to go now. Reason was that after changing the password in the SP farm, password was not changed under services and that's why was throwing this weird error.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Get the SharePoint farm ID

We were installing 3rd party software where we needed to get  our farm ID to get the license for the software installation.

We can do this using Powershell:-

Start- Open SP management Shell-

Run these commands in the window.
$SPFarm = Get-spfarm

Cannot start the SharePoint 2010 Administration Service service after Windows update

We had an issue where our windows team did the server patching upgrade and next day SP admin service did not start. Below is the resolution how to make it work.

Go to start - gpedit.msc to open the local policy editor
  1. Under the Computer Configuration node in the Local Group Policy Editor, double-click Policies.
  2. Double-click Windows Settings, double-click Security Settings, and then double-click Public Key Policies.
  3. In the details pane, double-click Certificate Path Validation Settings.
  4. Click the Network Retrieval tab, click to select the Define these policy settings check box, and then click to clear the Automatically update certificates in the Microsoft Root Certificate Program (recommended) check box.
  5. Click OK, and then close the Local Group Policy Editor.
 Try to restart the service again it should start without any issues. You have to update all the servers where this patching was performed.

SharePoint query server not responding (Event ID 2587, 92)

SP query server was in not responding state.We had hard time fixing this problem.Following was the error message while looking at the EVR logs:-
The following conditions are currently affecting index propagation to this server for search service application 'Search Service Application ':
1. Query 0, catalog Main: failing to copy index files from crawl component 0 for 37 minutes. Access is denied.   0x80070005
2. Query 0 will be disabled in 22 minutes so that crawls can continue.

Also while looking at the SP logs, it was showing as follows:--

1b4-c-0 Po] file copy failed (error 0x80070005: Access is denied.   0x80070005, source c:\program files\microsoft office servers\14.0\data\office server\applications\1b4f03ba-b0b4-4b1b-9f7f-7c654df8a6d5-crawl-0\projects\portal_content\indexer\cifiles\, destination \\Server\1b4f03ba-b0b4-4b1b-9f7f-7c654df8a6d5-query-0\1b4f03ba-b0b4-4b1b-9f7f-7c654df8a6d5-query-0\Projects\Portal_Content\Indexer\CiFiles\  [indexpropagator.cxx:403]  d:\office\source\search\native\ytrip\tripoli\propagation\indexpropagator.cxx   

We have to make sure couple of points below to make it working:0-
1) The query location address shuould be shared and must have wss_wpg local group added with the change permission.
2) This is the main point that usually people miss it. Make sure that your CA app pool account is added into the Wss_Wpg group. Restart the timer and search service and crawl again. It should be working fine now.